All financial and item donations made to Robin Trust are captured by the admin manager and forwarded to support staff for banking/entering onto the asset register. Spending of financial donations is to be discussed by senior management with relevant parties/beneficiaries.

2.1 Donations may be made to Robin Trust directly, alternatively through fundraising partners (“Fundraisers”) appointed by Robin Trust to receive and/or accept donations on its behalf.
2.2 Donations may be made in cash via cashier systems, via existing payment systems, using electronic funds transfers, credit card transactions, mobile phone and tablet applications, cheques, bequests or otherwise (collectively, “Collection Networks”).
2.3 Robin Trust will post this Donations’ Policy on its website and will request every Fundraiser who offers to use its Collection Network to receive Donations on behalf of the Fund, to alert potential Donors to this Donations’ Policy, whether by publishing a prominent link to the Fund’s website on its Network, or otherwise.
2.4 Each donor, when making a donation:
2.4.1 is deemed to have familiarised himself/herself/itself with this this Donations’ Policy;
2.4.2 makes the donation subject to the terms of this Donations’ Policy;
2.4.3 undertakes and represents in favour of Robin Trust that his/her/its donation is aligned in every respect with the terms and import of this Donations’ Policy;
2.4.4 is entitled to apply to Robin Trust (electronically or manually or in any other manner) for a receipt to be issued in respect of the donation made, in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act, subject to compliance by the donor with Robin Trust’s requirements for the issue of such receipt; and
2.4.5 acknowledges that, notwithstanding Robin Trust’s commitment to deal with the information in its possession (including the identities and other information of donors) in a responsible manner, the identity of donors may be published or become known to the public.

Robin Trust has been established for the benefit of all South Africans and is committed to ensure that its operations and affairs do not encourage or amount to discrimination against any class or group of people within South Africa. Robin Trust will, however, always endeavour to ensure that South Africa’s most needy are the core focus of its activities.

4.1 Donations are voluntary or gratuitous transfers of money or property pursuant to which the donor does not, and does not expect to, receive any benefit or advantage (whether directly or indirectly) or any other quid pro quo or anything in return.
4.2 Donations may consist of money or property in kind, or services.
4.3 All donations are irrevocable at the instance of the donor from the time at which Robin Trust receives that donation in cash or in kind.
4.4 Unless specifically agreed with Robin Trust in writing before a donation is made, a donor may not attach any conditions to any donation made.

5.1 Robin Trust may refuse, return or delay receipt of any donation, if, in the exercise of its sole and absolute discretion and based on information available to it, Robin Trust believes that such donation:
5.1.1 may not comply with or may undermine the provisions, spirit and/or import of this Donations’ Policy or the objectives of Robin Trust;
5.1.2 may be contrary to the objectives of Robin Trust or any of the provisions of Robin Trust’s memorandum of incorporation, as amended from time to time;
5.1.3 may encourage or promote discrimination on unfair grounds;
5.1.4 may have been offered with any illegal or unethical proposal which compromises or is likely to compromise the objectives of Robin Trust or may otherwise have been made in an unethical and non-transparent manner;
5.1.5 may have been offered by any person who conceals or disguises the illicit origin of the donation, or who ought to have known that the source of funds of such donation is the result of an illegal or illicit act; or
5.1.6 may be related to or associated or connected with: the commission, performance or carrying out of; the facilitation of, participation or assistance in, or contribution to the commission, performance or carrying out of; the performance of an act in preparation or planning of; or instructing, directly or indirectly, the commission, performance or carrying out of; facilitation of, participation or assistance in, or contribution to the commission, performance or carrying out of; or performance of an act in preparation for or planning of
terrorist and related activities, as defined in the Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act 33 of 2004.
5.1.7 may have been offered in exchange for any gratification, as defined in the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004, whether for the benefit of that person or someone else;
5.1.8 may have been offered for the purposes of facilitating a corrupt act, which, among other things, amounts to: the abuse of a position of authority; a breach of trust; or the violation of a legal duty or set of rules,
designed to achieve an unjustified result, or that amounts to other unauthorised or improper inducement to do or not to do anything;
5.1.9 may have otherwise resulted from illegal activities or from an illegal source;
5.1.10 may otherwise bring Robin Trust into disrepute or deter a significant number of potential donors from supporting Robin Trust;
5.1.11 has been offered or made in exchange for any direct or third-party benefit, whether as part of Robin Trust’s objectives or not, or to obtain any business or other advantage from or its Robin Trust’s partners or stakeholders;
5.1.12 cannot be used to meaningfully advance the objectives of Robin Trust;
5.1.13 has otherwise been offered or made subject to any conditions to which Robin Trust has not agreed in writing.
5.2 Robin Trust may refuse, return or delay receipt of any donation from a donor, if:
5.2.1 it fails or is unable to verify the identity of the donor and/or the source of funds of the donation to its satisfaction; or
5.2.2 the donor fails or refuses to provide Robin Trust with any additional information which is requested from the donor; or
5.2.3 in the exercise of its sole and absolute discretion and based on information available to Robin Trust, the donor and/or the donation itself, may: support or promote any criminal or illicit activity of whatsoever nature including corruption, money laundering or terrorism financing operations; and/or support or promote discrimination on any unfair grounds.

6.1 All donations received are managed by the Admin Manager in discussion with the Executive Manager.
6.2 The Admin Manager will ensure that the donation donor details are captured before sending the donation/s to either finance (in the case of cash/cheques/direct deposits) as agreed upon by the Executive Manager.
6.3 The Admin Manager will send a standard thank you letter to the donor which the Executive Manager will sign.

7.1 General donations for Robin Trust are banked and used at the discretion of senior Management.
7.2 The Admin Manager will inform the relevant department of the amount donated to this department.
7.3 The relevant supervisor/team leader will discuss the spending of the amount with the staff that were named as beneficiaries or in the case of a general donation to that department spending will be discussed with senior management and the relevant supervisor/team leader.
7.4 Any letters/cards accompanying the donation specifically where members of staff are named will be presented to these staff member’s attention and noting.

The relevant department will receive the item/s after they have been entered into the asset register/stock sheet.